
Funding "Management Capability"
The Regional Business Partners Programme provides up to 50% funding for our courses to qualifying businesses. We are pleased to let you know that the following programs are eligible for the MBIE Regional Business Partner Programme:
- Elite Business High Performance Program
- Business High Performance Program
- High Performance Marketing and Business Planning
- High Performance Business Planning
- SME High Performance Business Planning
- Business Productivity
- Million Dollar Producer
- Successful Selling
- Goal Oriented life
More about the MBIE Management Capability Voucher Fund- Regional Business Partner Network
About MBIE Funding
Small businesses may qualify for Funding to help pay for services such as training workshops, courses and coaching that build management capabilities of their owners, operators and key managers.
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment ‘Management Capability Development Vouchers’ are only available through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) Growth Advisors.
Funding may be provided to a business where the Growth Advisors have identified a need for management training as part of an action plan to support the business owner to grow and innovate their business.
For more information on the Management Capability Development Fund or to see what courses & coaching High Performance Training and Coaching Ltd are approved for click HERE.
Funding may be allocated as part of the plan to help businesses pay for up to 50 % of the cost of services from registered providers that improve management capabilities in targeted areas.
How do I qualify for the Funding?
To qualify for vouchers a business must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Has less than 50 full time employees;
- Is registered for GST in New Zealand;
- Must be operating in a commercial environment – i.e. is currently trading;
- Is privately owned or is a Maori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Maori assets under multiple ownership;
- Has had an assessment with a Regional Partner.
To start the process click HERE. From here the first part of the process is 2 mins, followed by an online questionnaire to assesses your training needs. This questionnaire is designed to see the gaps to enable you to receive the help you need.
An Advisor from the Regional Business Partner Network will make contact with you to meet and discuss your business and your preferred service provider. This meeting is about an hour.
Assessment Criteria | Businesses need to:
- Demonstrate commitment to improving management capability.
- Indicate commitment to seeking advice, working through the assessment process and a willingness to co-fund capability building activities and make the required time commitment; and
- Have an identified gap in your business capability that can be addressed through management capability building and training.
- Be exporting, have export potential, be involved in the export supply chain or have the potential to contribute to economic growth in the region (Tourism Business targeting international visitors qualify for this).
Once you have been through this process, you will be able to access more vouchers in the future.

Building management capability goes beyond training. It is transformational in building High Performing people, teams and business.
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