
The most powerful mindset for Success

The Most Powerful Mindset for Success  Have a growth mindsetA mindset expert, Carol Dweck explains that “a fixed mindset is when people believe their basic qualities, intelligence, talents and abilities are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that’s that.” With a growth mindset, the opposite is true where people believe their skills

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What is the key to Employee Engagement in 2022?​

What is the key to Employee Engagement in 2022? Employee engagement is a quintessential puzzle piece to business productivity and is defined by the Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2021 Report as, “the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace.” There are three types of workers in the workplace according to

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Are you looking for a Goals Directed Life?

Are you looking for a Goals Directed Life? We often think that success comes from massive actions, but the opposite is true – the effects of hundreds of small decisions and habits accumulate and compound just like compound interest in economics. Initially, the effects may not even be noticeable, but a slight change in your

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A Business Plan for the Small Organization

A Business Plan for the Small Organization So you want to establish your own company or expand your existing business but are unsure how to proceed? Developing a business plan is essential to grow or start your business. It should be one of the first tasks on your to-do list. It makes no difference if

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Why Getting a Business Coach is a Good Investment

Why Getting a Business Coach is a Good Investment Without question, operating a company alone may be self-satisfying for every entrepreneur, but it is also challenging to handle effectively, particularly in the aftermath of COVID-19. Keeping this in mind, hiring a business coach is always a wise decision, as professional advice allows and facilitates companies

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How To Enhance your ROI When you Hire a Business Coach

How To Enhance your ROI When you Hire a Business Coach Whatever plan we develop and execute, we all want the same thing from our business: maximum ROI. We understand that every coin has two sides, which is why, when Plan A fails, we generally persuade ourselves that it is acceptable, but what if you

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Elevate Your Career and Life Through Life and Business Coaching

Elevate Your Career and Life Through Life and Business Coaching Many individuals question why hiring a business coach is essential. The answer to this question is that life or business coaching is intended for those who are genuinely prepared, motivated, and dedicated to creating a successful life for themselves or their company. A life or

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Business Coaching – Comprehensive Perspective

Business Coaching – Comprehensive Perspective When you consider business coaching services, what comes to mind? Without a doubt, if you are a company owner, you may think of some advice given to help you through a complex scenario, or a tool to assist you in evaluating your employees, or activity to instil positive behaviour in

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An Efficient Advice for Owner-Managers

An Efficient Advice for Owner-Managers As owner-managers, it is quite feasible for us to get immersed in the day-to-day operations of our businesses. However, dealing with customers/clients regularly, managing banking/financials, managing employees, buying, and a plethora of other elements that need our attention may make you irritated. According to the latest study, entrepreneurs spend 45%

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